Feedback From Satisfied Clients

Dear Gillian, Thank you very much for your information. The information is extraordinarily useful for my preparation. Furthermore, I enjoyed your presentation yesterday so much! The figures and information did provide me a clear direction to prepare my interview and written exercise. Once again, many thanks for giving us the talk and your help. Successful CPR candidate , March 2017
Dear Gillian, It was my greatest honour to work with you along the difficult path towards ICE chartership. I feel truly cheerful to all forthcoming candidates under your supervision because they are about to meet the best development mentor on earth. Successful CPR candidate
Hi Gillian, I just received my ICE results. I am very, very excited to tell you that I have successfully passed my interview and can now call myself a Chartered Civil Engineer. You have no idea how thankful I am to you! Thanks so so so so much for all the help and support along the way. Successful CA and CPR candidate
Dear Gillian, Thank you for helping me with this process. I’m very glad we had this meeting as the questions that you raised during the interview was a huge wake up call for me. I had no idea that I was so unprepared for the CPR and I had so many loopholes as an engineer. CATS completion Dec 2016, CPR success June 2017
Dear Gillian, I’ve got some good news I would like to share with you that I am now a CEng MICE!! I am now really happy and excited as I have achieved a milestone in my career path J I can also show this letter to my boss for asking promotion! I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your grateful advice and infinite help during my assessment. Thanks a lot! Successful Mutual Recognition Interview